10 Secrets to a great resume

Posted March 3rd, 2025

Ten secrets to a great resume

The secrets to a great resume has taken me years to develop. I have been writing resumes for over 15 years and have helped many clients get that all important job interview. The mere process of discussing; analyzing and working on your resume helps to engender confidence and can I say, a bit of FIGJAM. Some of us forget how awesome we can be.

There is a fine line between arrogance and confidence. The resume has to brag, but not too much. Easier said than done. How can you sell yourself without seeming cocky? This article will address that very question, because your resume must read well. It must capture the reader’s attention for all the right reasons. Here are my ten top tips for writing a resume that works.

Ten top tips to a great resume

  1. Resumes are really a passport to the job you want.  Is your resume current? It must include relevant qualifications and  recent experience to be up to date. Resumes are a living and breathing document and need regular attention and upgrades.
  2. Keep it simple. Unless you going for a graphic artist role, remove any fancy fonts, colors and tables. Remember, that not all computers are compatible. You also do not want to bombard the reader with distractions.
  3. Two pages in length is the ideal. Develop a way to say what you want in a succinct and clear manner. Utilize the content from the job advert to help bulk up content (provided it’s the truth).
  4. Avoid acronyms especially the ones that are specific to a trade or skill that most people would not understand
  5. Check that your referees are current and ready for that call. Contact them each time you make applications so that they are aware of what job you’re applying for
  6.  Adapt your resume to suit each and every job application. YES! One resume does NOT fit all. If you are changing careers, it’s imperative that you adapt the resume to fit your new direction
  7. The front page is the best real estate in town, so make sure it is effective. It must have all the  information pertaining to the role immediately available to the reader. It should entice them enough to read the 2nd page
  8. Before you apply for a role, make sure you meet at least 80%of  the criteria
  9. Use effective headings to hep guide the reader
  10. Use a career statement that explains who you are and describe your best skills and how these will suit the new employer

It’s not easy, but a great resume will save you stress and time. It will be an effective passport to perhaps a new career or a better job. It needs to align with the job advert and tell the reader quite loudly that you are the perfect person for the job.

If you’re still tentative, phone Ivana on 0404 056 278 at FIGJAM resumes and she will help you make the right decision for you.