Seeking staff for jobs in Regional NSW?

Posted November 1st, 2024

Eather Recruitment and Labour Hire - people

Employers looking for staff and frustrated with the process? Regardless of your industry or role, finding great staff is the key to building your business and your profit potential. The real challenge in Regional NSW is attracting and retaining great staff. Certainly in areas such as Port Macquarie with limited tertiary education facilities, many of our Gen X & Y’s are leaving for the larger cities where their career opportunities may increase. Many of these young people, find that in small towns, jobs have limited career progression, so unless they are prepared to “settle” for less salary and less diversity and progression, there is little to no career development opportunities. There will be other potential applicants who come with a wealth of experiences and it is up to you to see if these skills and experiences will transfer to the position you want filled.

If you are currently seeking staff, here is a quick checklist of must do’s

  • make sure you really need the role filled (some roles can merge or perhaps dont require replacement)
  • conduct a thorough job analysis
  • prepare a clear, simple job description
  • ensure you have the salary sorted prior to recruitment
  • decide if you will recruit yourself, or if you need to contact an agency
  • have a good idea when you want the person to commence
  • prepare a good orientation or induction plan
  • provide a training plan that includes some mentoring, particularly in the first 3 months (or probationary period)

Once you have this new recruit, there are thousands of ways to retain and reward… many of which are FREE!

[author] [author_image timthumb=’on’][/author_image] [author_info] Eather Recruitment [/author_info] [/author]