A Real, Authentic Resume

Posted March 3rd, 2025

 Your Resume should align with your personality.

Your resume should not hide secrets, and yet, it should not reveal too much either. It should be draw card, an enticement for the reader, to explore further by calling you in for an interview. The reader is intrigued and interested enough to find out MORE about you.

Don’t be afraid to describe the the REAL you in your resume as it needs to be a document that reads as authentic as your signature.  How do you begin? here’s a quick guide

  • Firstly, be Brave. Be very brave. Your resume needs to “sell” you so this is not the time to be too shy.
  • Create a statement that best describes you as an employee.
  • Ask co-workers and friends for help with this character description , ask the question “What’s it like working with me?
  • Use this as an “about me” statement on your resume, it works as a guide for the reader as to your suitability as well as adds that unique “signature” to your resume.
  • ask yourself ” In all my job roles, what was it that I did differently to others,  to make my job successful?”
  • Maintain a record of all your accomplishments, no matter how small
  • Remain true to yourself and apply for roles that will help to bring out the best in you!

Writing your own resume can be tricky and often we emphasise the wrong areas or even omit the very important ones. Sometimes, it’s best to engage the services of an objective and effective resume writer. This person can analyse and evaluate the best way to demonstrate your personality on paper. They should be able to flesh out the best and highlight your career skills that align with the job advertisement.

Sill need help? call Eather Recruitment for a referral to their resume and career consultant  Ivana  0404056278 NOW!