Facing redundancy made easier, Outplacement services

Posted March 3rd, 2025



Staff Cuts? Corporates facing tough decisions, or just the natural order of things? if you are afraid of being losing your job, try to be proactive, start by looking ahead.

Life after losing a job does not have to mean lying around beached, and washed out!

Some businesses are faced with the difficult decision of making some of their staff redundant.  It could be a down-turn in sales or a complete re-structure that forces the status quo to change.  When the news filters to the staff, many are in shock and often may experience the full stages of grieving, and often at different times! Best to plan the road ahead, way before the rumors make it too difficult to implement a plan.

Thankfully many organisations are aware of the value of providing professional Outplacement services.  Eather Recruitment and Labour Hire provide a tailored and sensitive outplacement package to best suit the needs of each employee and exceed the expectations of the exiting staff.  Our outplacement specialist can work with  individuals as well as deliver small group work shops.

areas of great value are covered with each employee

  • getting to know each individual and gauge how they are coping with the change
  • ascertaining their job goals and career aspirations;
  • conducting a skills-audit and linking transferable skills to the general market place
  • reviewing and rewriting their resume;
  • increasing their “marketability” and “saleability”
  • job market analysis
  • exploring educational options
  • accessing valuable networks and job opportunities
  • referrals to other providers such as Financial planners and government agencies

Once these areas are covered, and the resume is ready for final print, our specialist continues to work with the employees.Often , many have been in the same job for a number of years and have not had recent exposure to job interviews.  enhance their interview skills.

Need Outplacement services? why not contact us to see how we can take some of the burden off you and at the same time provide an excellent service for your valued outgoing employees.

Ivana Agapiou – outplacement consultant and resume writer
Eather Recruitment