Wanting to relocate to a peaceful, yet progressive Regional town? Sick of the city life and keen to change your lifestyle?
Moving to a Regional town can be the best decision of your life.. or it can be the most challenging! Here are a few reasons:
- Job Vacancies are rarely as prolific as in the Metro areas
- There is a shortage of “large” corporate organisations – most if they have a pressence , have their head offices in the Metro areas
- SME (Small Medium Enterprises) can make up the majority of employers
- Casualisation of the workforce and seasonal tourist work is quite predominant
- Salary levels are lower that in the Metro
How do you overcome these challenges? Here are 4 HOT tips to help you transition..
1) Research the job market – get a solid idea of the types of jobs that are in demand
2) Talk with Recruitment Agencies and local Realtors about work opportunities
3) DONT move without conducting a thorough study – dont be fooled into thinking that once you get to your deam town, you will find work much more quickly, Studies have shown that on average it takes approximately 18 months!
4) Ensure your Financial resources will be able to recover with a lower salary level
In summary, acquire the job BEFORE you move. That way, you can sus the place out thoroughly, and ensure that when you do want to settle for good, you are very familiar with the best areas to live.
Wishing you all the success!![author] [author_image timthumb=’on’]http://eatherrecruitment.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/ivana-permanent-and-temporary-staff-solutions.jpg[/author_image] [author_info]Content goes here[/author_info] [/author]
Ivana Agapiou
Eather Recruitment