Key Selection Criteria Responses that get you THAT interview

Posted January 1st, 2025

 Selection Criteria Responses that get you THAT interview.  Your application needs to have an  inviting “bite”.

Recently, I heard an interview on ABC Radio National. A leading HR company was discussing the ways to best respond to Key Selection Criteria. He stipulated how important is was to create interest, to “bait” and attract the reader enough to get you an interview.

Here is a very quick synopsis from the interview.


Many employers are looking for the right “fit” and this means that they want to get to know you, your likes, dislikes and most importantly… your failings… we all hate that dreaded question “What are your weaknesses?if you can’t find an example from work experiences,use examples from “life” .

1. To respond to questions we often refer to work experiences,  and all about forget our life’s experiences… Think of a time in your every day life that might be a suitable example to demonstrate your ability to perform.

2.  Use examples from “learned” experiences – mistakes you’ve made, what you learned and how this has made you a better, smarter employee

3.  Provide stories – examples of when you did wonderfully and what that meant to the outcome of the project/task

So basically, don’t panic if you don’t have work examples for all the questions – use your life experiences.  LASTLY,  remain up-beat; positive and always write in the active voice!

There’s loads more to know – if you seek help with your resume/ job application – phone Ivana 0404056278

Ivana Agapiou resume writer and career advisor