Looking for work in all the right places

Posted March 3rd, 2025

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Looking for a job? The basic tips and tricks!

The job market has changed dramatically, yet some of the tried and true methods are still relevant. An example is the old fashioned cold call! So let’s explore five basic ways and flesh-out best approaches for gaining employment using these methods.

Cold calling

Many employers have commented that they don’t seem to have too many people show up looking for work, let alone those who present professionally. Some job seekers turn up dressed for recreational activities, hand in a poorly printed resume at front desk and don’t even know what the business is about, let alone who the person is responsible for HR. Advice:  gather the name and title of the decision maker and personally address the quality resume and letter to them.


OMG what a large amount of options and websites to research! From My Career; SEEK and Gumtree just to name a few.  Don’t forget the power of social media both FaceBook and Linkedin, why not send an advertisement promoting your availability?


Word of mouth (WOM) is a powerful tool. Make sure you inform others that you are seeking work, try not to sound desperate, rather, be articulate and confident about the type of work you seek.

Recruitment Services

Private recruiters , like us, work with various employers to help them source the best person for their  role/s. You will need to match your skills, experience and qualifications to the advertised role and assume that the recruiter IS the employer. They will be screening a vast number of applicants, so ensure that your application is of high quality.

Government Job Centres

Job network agencies  work alongside Centrelink and usually work best with the long- term unemployed, however, may at times have jobs listed that may suit your aspirations.

Ivana Agapiou, resume writer