Want your application to stand out? would you like to “personalise” your resume? Want your resume to get you to an interview? Then a simple ELEVATOR speech or an “About me” statement is a great way to differentiate your resume from the rest!
The job interview IS an audition
The job interview is the most popular way employers decide on their whether to employ you or not, and regardless of how relaxed an interviewer / employer may make you feel. . this IS a formal setting and you need to be 100% aware of how you perform!
5 Tips for hiring great staff!
Looking for the best employees for your business? here are 5 quick tips on how you can attract and keep them!
Key Selection Criteria Responses that get you THAT interview
Many employers are looking for the right “fit” and this means that they want to get to know you, your likes, dislikes and most importantly… your failings… we all hate that dreaded question “What are your weaknesses?
Resumes need attention and updating
A resume is a living, breathing document! It should NEVER remain static, if it does, it will loose its relevance and perhaps become redundant. Workplaces and work requirements are changing rapidly and it’s important for job seekers to get a professionally written and rewritten resume completed for their job search.
Recruitment Agencies, how to use to land a job!
We act as a “go-between” and can facilitate your progress to a shortlist. We do this by carefully assessing your skills, experience and qualifications and how these match up to the advertised position.
Knowledge, Skills and Abilities, why you can’t ignore them!
Knowledge, Skills and Ability can be also disguised under Key Selection Criteria (KSC), each have distinct differences between them.
RESUME writing Services
No kidding! If your resume is not getting you the interview, then here are a few things that may need adjustment: Here are 10 useful tips
Your job application needs to be smarter, shorter, smoother and simply match the criteria
In the past, most applications were initially screened and handled by HR administration or HR professionals, these were the people who first eye-balled your application and would shortlist by simply skimming your application, searching for certain phrases or buzzwords. Here’s the tricky thing … not all applications are read by human eyes anymore. Many employers and HR departments that employ large numbers of staff, utilize scanning software to search for keywords in job applications and ONLY when the computer pings with matches, will they read the applications!
Let’s explore the Excruciating “Writing Part” for Key Selection Criteria
Firstly, you must respond to the Key Selection Criteria. If you only send in your Cover Letter and Resume for a job that has a request for you to respond to Key Selection Criteria your application will immediately be discarded… outch!
Don’t assume that employers or the selection panel will pull the information out of your application package and pick up the salient points. They will not! Even if they had the spare time for such insight, they are not allowed to infer anything.
Job criteria-Capability statements, How to respond… and get the Job Interview!
Good communication is a core competencies for all jobs.. regardless of the level! Notice that this statement also asks for 3 skill-sets – written/verbal and presentation to an audience. You can try to “bundle” all three, or you can divide it up, either way, I strong suggest a very basic formula to follow:- S.A.R – Situation/ action / response
Capability Statements and your response,it’s a hill climb
How are selection criteria developed? All essential criteria are based on the core and business enabler capabilities contained in the organisation’s Capability Framework. Usually the selection panel will go through the key responsibilities of the job and pick the capabilities that they believe an employee would need to do these duties effectively.
What are Capability Frameworks and how to treat them seriously…
Many organisations have critically analysed the role/s and formulated the necessities to perform the roles. Not only is there a LIST of what is required, they also have graded the capabilities in priority groups. These levels reflect a progressive increase in complexity and skill that may be required from the candidate. Job applications for many public sector jobs now require you to address “capability statements” in your application.