The new reality

The New Reality, resilience is the key The new reality is unpredictable. These are tough times and each of us…

Let’s explore the Excruciating “Writing Part” for Key Selection Criteria

Firstly, you must respond to the Key Selection Criteria. If you only send in your Cover Letter and Resume for a job that has a request for you to respond to Key Selection Criteria your application will immediately be discarded… outch!

Don’t assume that employers or the selection panel will pull the information out of your application package and pick up the salient points. They will not! Even if they had the spare time for such insight, they are not allowed to infer anything.

Feeling Trapped in your current job?

Feeling trapped in the job you have? looking for another job? Here are a few tips before you launch into resignation or even worse, lose your cool and walk out! Sometimes, we can find ourselves in a job that is not working out. There may be a number of diverse factors for this…

Self-awareness, a Jewel in the E.Q crown

Conflicts and unexpected disasters are a natural part of living and if you are unable to forge through most these and come out the other end a “better” person for the experience, then you will find your life and your future happiness and well-being will suffer as well as your personal and professional growth.


“OMG! Did I really say that?” How many times have you heard yourself say this post interview? You experience the after-shock and the rewind of the interview and worry yourself sick over what you said or didn’t say. Here are some helpful tips on interview preparation

Job loss, a disaster or a chance for unfulfilled desires?

Being separated from one’s job is extremely challenging because many of us closely identify by what we “do” for a living. When the job is taken away, we can lose track of who we are and even why we are! Emotional issues aside, many of us are able to identify the practical issues, from determining how long our financial resources will sustain, to deciding if a career change was in order. In other words, practical planning for the future.

The JOB interview, the No No’s

Many employers comment that they interview candidates who had NO idea how to present for an interview. It appears that some candidates think that if they are personally happy with their image in the mirror that is all that is needed. They don’t spend time evaluating the type of workplace or the workplace culture prior to dressing. Some follow fad fashion trends and think that trendy means professional!

How do I find a job in Port Macquarie?

Port Macquarie is a wonderful town with many great assets. It offers a relaxed lifestyle along with picturesque beaches and country access. It’s approximately right in the middle of Sydney and Brisbane. It is no wonder we frequently receive inquiries for jobs in Port Macquarie especially from commute weary workers in Metro areas

Looking for work? are you searching for jobs in all the right places?

Did your resume “bait” the reader enough to invite you to an interview? If not, change your bait! Each time you fish for work, make sure your bait is adapted to the role  or the “catch”. Sending the same resume out for various jobs, is NOT helping you bait the right catch!

What are Capability Frameworks and how to treat them seriously…

Many organisations have critically analysed the role/s and formulated the necessities to perform the roles. Not only is there a LIST of what is required, they also have graded the capabilities in priority groups. These levels reflect a progressive increase in complexity and skill that may be required from the candidate. Job applications for  many public sector jobs  now require you to address “capability statements” in your application.

A Real, Authentic Resume

Your resume should be draw card or an enticement for the reader, to explore further by calling you in for an interview… the reader is intrigued and interested enough to find out MORE about you..

A little FIGJAM is good for you

A little FIGJAM-F* *k ,I’m Good, Just Ask Me, is fine, provided the self-praise is meant to bolster and boost your confidence. This is especially true if you’ve suffered a career disappointment. However, be wary of staying in this state of mind for too long just in case you become a little too arrogant and lose your humility forever!

10 Secrets to a great resume

your resume must read well. It must capture the reader’s attention for all the right reasons. Here are my ten top tips for writing a resume that works.