The career objective can be a tricky statement to compose and is often open to many interpretations, often wrong ones. Sometimes these paragraphs are just “motherhood” statements, totally broad and boring. They don’t tell the reader anything specific about you – in face it could read like thousands of other profiles. Don’t use career statements unless you write a good one. Instead insert an “about me” statement. One that sells you to the employer.
The big, long wait, will you get that call?
We are often asked how long it would take a company to get back to you after you have applied for a job. There is no right answer. There is best practice that most companies try to follow.
DIY Resumes? are some things better done by others?
DUI resumes can turn out amazing. Many do not make the first cut! If you’re not sure, ask an expert to review and advise.
Resumes written for reading, not rejection.
Many of us need help to write about ourselves! For most of us It’s a challenge to “blow own trumpet”! so here is one way your resume will stand out and be noticed… it’s that “about me” statement that can make or break the reader’s attention… need help? call us now 0265838222
Project the right image for that job! A good resume helps…
We are often asked, “Is what I wear at work really matter?” In a word, yes.
Your resume is your passport to a better future
I believe its a VITAL career Investment, and in this post we will evaluate whether your resume is helping or hindering your future security, satisfaction and success rates at the job application.
OMG! A Resume with a bad attitude!
Your resume is one of the main ways employers have of making a judgement of you. It should reflect who you are, what you have done and what you could offer a new employer, it should not be an example of how much you don’t care about the impression your’e making.
It’s complicated! Resume/cover letters/capability levels, WHOOO!!
Applying for a job, especially within government sectors can be very tricky! Here are a few helpful tips to get you started:-
Let’s explore the Excruciating “Writing Part” for Key Selection Criteria
Firstly, you must respond to the Key Selection Criteria. If you only send in your Cover Letter and Resume for a job that has a request for you to respond to Key Selection Criteria your application will immediately be discarded… outch!
Don’t assume that employers or the selection panel will pull the information out of your application package and pick up the salient points. They will not! Even if they had the spare time for such insight, they are not allowed to infer anything.
Resumes are your best sales and promotional flier!
“Is your resume getting you that interview?”
If it is, then you have a good resume, however, if it does not get you in front of a potential employer, it’s doing you NO favours! It should read like a sales document, it should “sell” your skills, experience and qualifications… it should make you like highly marketable!