Looking for work? are you searching for jobs in all the right places?

Did your resume “bait” the reader enough to invite you to an interview? If not, change your bait! Each time you fish for work, make sure your bait is adapted to the role  or the “catch”. Sending the same resume out for various jobs, is NOT helping you bait the right catch!

Soft skills – its a hard-core necessity

You may have the qualifications and even the experience needed to perform the work, however if you don’t possess the hard core “soft skills” , your success in any role could be greatly diminished.

Traditional jobs a thing of the past?

Traditional style jobs are becoming almost redundant, yet, still many people seek the same type of jobs, search for the same types of vacancies and have great expectations of permanency, a job for life.

The Hidden Job Market

Are you in the job market? Have you noticed just how only a few jobs are advertised in the Print media? Have you also asked yourself why? one of the main reasons for the scarcity is that on-line & the hidden job market has taken over!