Finding a job in Port Macquarie is a challenge – we offer these 3 main tips to help you assess and review your application strategies
Traditional jobs a thing of the past?
Traditional style jobs are becoming almost redundant, yet, still many people seek the same type of jobs, search for the same types of vacancies and have great expectations of permanency, a job for life.
Unsuccessful in obtaining that job…
It just may be your resume that is letting you down!! Here are a few tips to working…
The Hidden Job Market
Are you in the job market? Have you noticed just how only a few jobs are advertised in the Print media? Have you also asked yourself why? one of the main reasons for the scarcity is that on-line & the hidden job market has taken over!
Apprentice Plasterers
Our client, a leading interior lining company based on the Mid North Coast of NSW, is currently seeking two Apprentices…
Top 5 FAQ’s on Recruitment and Job Services
Here are the top 5 frequently asked questions of our Agency. Recruitment is not job placement and we are hopeful that this post will help clarify any confusion and assist candidates and employers utilize our services
Electrical Technicians – Regional NSW
We are currently seeking Electrical Technicians at varied levels, to work on a number of projects based throughout Regional NSW.
Looking for staff in Port Macquarie or within Regional NSW?
Finding and keeping skilled staff in small regional areas can be a challenge. Learn to read between the lines in a resume. Many metro candidates have specialised in a certain role, and if you can read “transferable” skills, you may have found a great candidate! Don’t assume they don’t know how to wear several hats!
Do the job you love! Love the job you do!
Ask yourself: If you could do anything for 8 or 9 hours a day for the rest of your life, and money was no object, what would you really do?
5 Tips for hiring great staff!
Looking for the best employees for your business? here are 5 quick tips on how you can attract and keep them!
Aligning your professional image with the real you – be authentic
n the past years, there have often been cases of fraud in the banking industry, which have led to a considerable loss of image for banks. Are bank employees by nature less honest people? Or does the business culture in the banking sector favor dishonest behavior? New findings indicate that the business culture in the banking sector implicitly favors dishonest behavior.
General Labourers – Horticulture (Closed)
Our client, a leading horticulture services company, is currently seeking experienced candidates to commence immediately working within and around the Port Macquarie region.
and the best work environment is………..
Is your work environment making you sick?
Do you dread getting out of bed on work days? are you upset when your days off are over and you have to go back to work?
Do you find yourself whinging, whinnying and complaining ….a lot?
Your personal, local Recruitment Agency
We specialise in :
Recruitment and employment services, Labour hire contractors, temp agency, provider of Temporary staff and permanent staffing
Outplacement services throughout Regional NSW – job loss, redundancy and assisting employers and outplaced employees face the future with optimism
Have a Job to fill ? Looking for staff?
Looking for staff – we can help you!
Jobs for the taking?
I’m sure you have all heard the saying “if you want to work, then there’s work out there for you”? Do you agree with this statement? I think it’s easier said than done!…
Ethics are important in any job – do you have an Ethical Compass? – 50 shades of right.
It may help to think of the people around you as an ethical compass guide. Before you act or react to what others say or do, consider the following self-analysis …
Recruit slow ….. for quality staff
Quality recruits means quality sourcing, screening and selection. This takes time and great consideration.
What is Labour Hire contracting?
Labour hire and temporary contracts can be a minefield…. this article explains in simple detail the basic principles…
Job Discrimination or just the way it is??
Employers interview with their own agenda in mind. They often consider the three basic criteria, and yes, it can be discriminating, and intimidating.. but as a candidate, you need to know that these factors play a strong role in the recruitment decision