Exercise Physiologist- Port Macquarie

Port Macquarie Location Excellent benefits & Profit Share Our client, a leading physiotherapist based in Port Macquarie, currently requires an…

Why you for this job? The elevator statement is a must!

Want your application to stand out? would you like to “personalise” your resume? Want your resume to get you to an interview? Then a simple ELEVATOR speech or an “About me” statement is a great way to differentiate your resume from the rest!

The job interview IS an audition

The job interview is the most popular way employers decide on their whether to employ you or not, and regardless of how relaxed an interviewer / employer may make you feel. . this IS a formal setting and you need to be 100% aware of how you perform!

Don’t leave home without one!

Now they want your resume and sadly, you have neglected to keep one that’s current, and most importantly, you haven’t been maintaining a record of your jobs; promotions and added skills, education and training etc.

What’s your Tag line?

When did you last take a good look, and take stock at what others may see when they look at your personal brand both online and off? Give yourself a quick audit and see if there are any areas that you could do better. Start with reviewing the 8 essential points to aligning your authentic self:

Financial Planner – Mid North Coast (Closed)

Our client, a leading financial advising firm based on the Mid North Coast of NSW, requires an exceptional planner to join this market leader. Due to unprecedented growth this role now exists.

Regional Recruitment Agency

Is there a difference between a Metro and multi national recruiter and a Regionally based one?

Legal Secretary – PA – Position Closed

Our client, a leading Law firm based in Port Macquarie, requires an experienced receptionist/PA to start immediately on a 6 month contract.

Make it past the first cut with a great resume

Gaining an interview means that your resume passed the first test or often, the first cut… but a lot of applications don’t make the first cut and here are just 3 reasons why..

How to write a winning resume, from someone who knows!

It’s the ONE thing that will either get you to an interview or stop you from acquiring a great job… so why don’t we pay it more attention? Here are some steps to ensuring your resume actually works!