Looking for work in a regional area? Can’t find what you are looking for? Resume not yielding an interview? Are…
Employment Agency Vs Recruitment Agency.. what is the difference?
We often field requests from job seekers who have very high expectations of what a recruitment agency can deliver for them. There is a distinct difference between an Employment Agency and a Recruitment Agency.
How to write a winning resume, from someone who knows!
It’s the ONE thing that will either get you to an interview or stop you from acquiring a great job… so why don’t we pay it more attention? Here are some steps to ensuring your resume actually works!
RESUMES are underrated – start rating it!
Every day we receive job applications that include an attached resume. Most of the time the resume as presented, does not reflect the advertised position. In fact, we often comment that we have no idea why the applicant is interested in the position as they don’t appear to have any work experiences, skills or abilities that match the job. The resume MUST help the reader and potential employer understand why you would be the best person for this job. How do you do this? Here are some major tips!
Random resumes without a cause
Are you sending out random resumes to any advertised jobs, ones that you think you could perform? Are you on the “auto” applications list with a number of job sites? Do you send the same resume to a variety of job advertisements? STOP IT! It’s doing you more harm than good! Here’s four main reasons why:-
Resumes that get you to a job interview……
Best Resumes get the best interviews for the better jobs! How is your resume rating? If it is landing you interviews… than it is a good resume, if not, please contact us for our resume review service!
Make an appointment now and increase your chances of securing the interview for your dream job! resumes@eatherrecruitment.com.au
ADD a “little” something special to your resume!
Did you know when you include your photo with your resume there is a significant benefit? The clear advantage is that your application will be more noticed; more interesting and therefore increase your chance of shortlisting to an interview!
Self-awareness, a Jewel in the E.Q crown
Conflicts and unexpected disasters are a natural part of living and if you are unable to forge through most these and come out the other end a “better” person for the experience, then you will find your life and your future happiness and well-being will suffer as well as your personal and professional growth.
“OMG! Did I really say that?” How many times have you heard yourself say this post interview? You experience the after-shock and the rewind of the interview and worry yourself sick over what you said or didn’t say. Here are some helpful tips on interview preparation
Resumes are your best sales and promotional flier!
“Is your resume getting you that interview?”
If it is, then you have a good resume, however, if it does not get you in front of a potential employer, it’s doing you NO favours! It should read like a sales document, it should “sell” your skills, experience and qualifications… it should make you like highly marketable!
The Resume is the reigning KING!
Match your skills and experience to the advertised job. Avoid applying for jobs for the sake of applying for jobs. Be selective and make sure it’s actually a job you might like and most important, one that you are qualified to do!