Career objective, make it sing and dance to the right tune

The career objective can be a tricky statement to compose and is often open to many interpretations, often wrong ones. Sometimes these paragraphs are just “motherhood” statements, totally broad and boring. They don’t tell the reader anything specific about you – in face it could read like thousands of other profiles. Don’t use career statements unless you write a good one. Instead insert an “about me” statement. One that sells you to the employer.

… beware of the $2K costs for a new resume…

Today I was shocked to hear from  one of our clients who had been informed by another  resume writing service that the cost to “re-brand” him and provide a new resume was $2K!!!

Exercise Physiologist- Port Macquarie

Port Macquarie Location Excellent benefits & Profit Share Our client, a leading physiotherapist based in Port Macquarie, currently requires an…

Why you for this job? The elevator statement is a must!

Want your application to stand out? would you like to “personalise” your resume? Want your resume to get you to an interview? Then a simple ELEVATOR speech or an “About me” statement is a great way to differentiate your resume from the rest!

The job interview IS an audition

The job interview is the most popular way employers decide on their whether to employ you or not, and regardless of how relaxed an interviewer / employer may make you feel. . this IS a formal setting and you need to be 100% aware of how you perform!