Searching for a job? looking for work?

Lots of barriers and hurdles…. the whole experience can be filled with challenges and it is important to know what/where/when and how to best climb over any obstacles – so that you can get to the right target employers and at the right time.

Innovation the key to gaining a job you love

Sick and tired of rejection? Are you fatigued with applying for jobs and either never hearing back from the employer, and/or receive an unsuccessful letter? What innovative and creative thinking do we need to have to ensure we are realistic about the job market?

Future Employment some new Job Titles

New jobs and career paths are created every day. If you are a baby boomer or a child of the 70’s, I bet that many of you are not aware that the following jobs exist, let alone what they actually do! How about these apples…..

Recruitment and Employment in Regional NSW

Eather Recruitment Pty Ltd has been established for a number of years, established to specifically service the needs of Regional NSW. With offices and personnel located in Mudgee and Port Macquarie, we can be close by and ready to assist.

Jobs, jobs and more jobs

I’m sure you have all heard the saying “if you want to work, then there’s work out there for you”? Do you agree with this statement? I think it’s easier said than done!…

Recruitment Agency Expo 2017

The Recruitment Agency Expo is a trade event that is dedicated entirely to the recruitment industry, providing an excellent showcase to promote your products and services to your target market.

Private Recruitment Agencies – how to use them

We act as a “go-between” and can facilitate your progress to a shortlist. We do this by carefully assessing your skills, experience and qualifications and how these match up to the advertised position.

Handling Rejection

……popular strategies don’t actually work very well in the long term. Beware if you are tempted to try any of the following:

Let’s explore the Excruciating “Writing Part” for Key Selection Criteria

Firstly, you must respond to the Key Selection Criteria. If you only send in your Cover Letter and Resume for a job that has a request for you to respond to Key Selection Criteria your application will immediately be discarded… outch!

Don’t assume that employers or the selection panel will pull the information out of your application package and pick up the salient points. They will not! Even if they had the spare time for such insight, they are not allowed to infer anything.

Feeling Trapped in your current job?

Feeling trapped in the job you have? looking for another job? Here are a few tips before you launch into resignation or even worse, lose your cool and walk out! Sometimes, we can find ourselves in a job that is not working out. There may be a number of diverse factors for this…

Does your JOB equal your passion?

Job = passion? Are you capable of blending both? Here are some inspirational quotes to help. Which one resonates the most to you?