You may have the qualifications and even the experience needed to perform the work, however if you don’t possess the hard core “soft skills” , your success in any role could be greatly diminished.
What image are you projecting?
We are often asked, “Is what I wear at work really matter?” In a word, yes.
Looking for staff in Port Macquarie or within Regional NSW?
Finding and keeping skilled staff in small regional areas can be a challenge. Learn to read between the lines in a resume. Many metro candidates have specialised in a certain role, and if you can read “transferable” skills, you may have found a great candidate! Don’t assume they don’t know how to wear several hats!
Important job skills for a successful life
Daniel Goleman, Author of “Emotional Intelligence”, claims that the best predictor of a highly successful person include the following 6 traits
Presentation for THE job
Within the first few seconds of meeting you, people form opinions & judgments based on your appearance and behaviour.
Your authenticity matters! Are you portraying the right image? Is in congruent with the rest of your appearance? What judgement may be made that are sending the wrong signals about you?
Regional Recruitment Agency
Is there a difference between a Metro and multi national recruiter and a Regionally based one?
Don’t be afraid of tough conversations!
If you are like the majority of Managers, providing feedback, often to reduce or eliminate negative behaviours can appear as an overwhelming task. Many of us have trepidations and palpitations! How do you provide feedback that will strengthen your staff’s good points and highlight areas for development is such a way that they actually modify their behaviour and become better employees?
Acceptable Hand shakes..
They are the universally accepted business greeting. Hugs & kisses are taboo unless you are in Italy and even there, you have protocols!
Innovation the key to gaining a job you love
Sick and tired of rejection? Are you fatigued with applying for jobs and either never hearing back from the employer, and/or receive an unsuccessful letter? What innovative and creative thinking do we need to have to ensure we are realistic about the job market?
Recruitment and Employment in Regional NSW
Eather Recruitment Pty Ltd has been established for a number of years, established to specifically service the needs of Regional NSW. With offices and personnel located in Mudgee and Port Macquarie, we can be close by and ready to assist.
Thank you job seekers!
We would like to take this opportunity to thank those job seekers who prepare their applications with care and consideration. Many applicants are now fully aware that their applications need to be tailored and adapted to each position.
Temporary Labour Hire workers are like Super Heros!
Often, due to the nature of temping, the jobs are varied and at times, there is very little time for the host organisation to train or induct the temp.
Private Recruitment Agencies – how to use them
We act as a “go-between” and can facilitate your progress to a shortlist. We do this by carefully assessing your skills, experience and qualifications and how these match up to the advertised position.
DIY Resumes? are some things better done by others?
DUI resumes can turn out amazing. Many do not make the first cut! If you’re not sure, ask an expert to review and advise.
Resume writing is a skill.
Writing a winning resume is a skill, and an art. Producing a winning resume that stands-out is a specialised skill,…
Want a great job? Look for great employers
Resumes and job applications are only one aspect to finding the best work! Make sure you also research your potential employers!
Employment Agency Vs Recruitment Agency.. what is the difference?
We often field requests from job seekers who have very high expectations of what a recruitment agency can deliver for them. There is a distinct difference between an Employment Agency and a Recruitment Agency.
Knowledge, Skills and Abilities, why you can’t ignore them!
Knowledge, Skills and Ability can be also disguised under Key Selection Criteria (KSC), each have distinct differences between them.
Work that resume to get “that” job interview! Resumes Port Macquarie
So, you have what you think is “a cracker” of a resume and you’re sending this resume out to a variety of jobs and …. nothing… …no interview requests, and if you are lucky, you get a “sorry, you have been unsuccessful” reply… There is a strong message and lesson here… your resume is not working for you!
Responding to Selection Criteria
Responding to Selection Criteria. It’s a specialised skill and you’re not alone. This article with cover how should you respond…