Water Services Officer – Narrabri (Position Closed)

We are currently looking to engage a number of skilled labourers, who can start immediately, to work on the maintenance and construction of infrastructure projects within the region on Narrabri, North West NSW.

Private Recruitment Agencies – how to use them

We act as a “go-between” and can facilitate your progress to a shortlist. We do this by carefully assessing your skills, experience and qualifications and how these match up to the advertised position.

Feeling Trapped in your current job?

Feeling trapped in the job you have? looking for another job? Here are a few tips before you launch into resignation or even worse, lose your cool and walk out! Sometimes, we can find ourselves in a job that is not working out. There may be a number of diverse factors for this…

Perform the job you were born to do!

Imagine for a moment what it would be like to do exactly what you love, to do what you are really, really good at, imagine the work being so in tune with who you are, it almost seems a piece of cake! You are invigorated each day, keen to get started!

Looking for work? are you searching for jobs in all the right places?

Did your resume “bait” the reader enough to invite you to an interview? If not, change your bait! Each time you fish for work, make sure your bait is adapted to the role  or the “catch”. Sending the same resume out for various jobs, is NOT helping you bait the right catch!

Soft skills – its a hard-core necessity

You may have the qualifications and even the experience needed to perform the work, however if you don’t possess the hard core “soft skills” , your success in any role could be greatly diminished.