As Christmas hits and the end of the year draws to a close, it’s a good time to reflect on our good fortune. Often we are too busy concentrating on what we don’t have, that we miss the wonders of what is right in front of us. Yes, there are numerous people working in jobs that are not fullfilling and barely sustaining them a living. In this blog, I’m focussing on those of us who have work that does utilise our skills, stimulates, and provides for our family. Even if the work is not within our “dream job” category, we need to be thankful that it this economic environment and at this time of year, we can enjoy the bounties at Christmas.
At Eather Recruitment and Labour Hire we are often hear from job seekers who are desperate for work, any work… and in a Regional Town, finding work is a real challenge. We all need to take stock and thank the universe for the jobs we do have, regardless of what they are.
Australia is the envy of many countries, we are relatively wealthy, and ecomonically stable. Good fortune does not have to be 100% financial! A good friend of mine who recently suffered massive brain injuries and is on a very slow road to recovery remarked ” this misfortune has highlighted that there is a very fine line between being here on earth and not being here….”
Value the wonders of your life, the beauty that surrounds you, nature’s bounty , as stunning sunset, and the fact that work, whatever it is, is a highly prized possession!
[author] [author_image timthumb=’on’][/author_image] [author_info]General Manager Eather Recruitment and Labour Hire[/author_info] [/author]