What’s your Tag line?

Posted January 1st, 2025

Image IS everything!

What’s your image? What do you want people to say about you? What would a typical business introduction of you actually sound like?

What this pic tells you about the lady with the martini, what would you say? Would you hazard a guess as to her personality?

Sometimes, even without realizing it, our first impressions would have automatically formulated an opinion and a character judgement. That’s usually the norm.

You make mental notes of their actions and behaviors along with both their verbal and non-verbal communication;  they way they dress, their accessories, where and how they are seated, make you think about their personality and you will often automatically stereotype or implant a lasting image that will make it difficult for you to ever change your first opinion.

Many speakers and authors in my field are happy presenting in their jeans and T’s. They may want to “connect” with a particular demographic. They may want to appear casual and relaxed.  However, when I’m seeking to add credibility, I believe I need to look more corporate and knowledgeable.

I have already taken into account my rather extroverted, loud personality type, so I may try to “tone” my first impression down. At the same time, I want to differentiate myself and develop my own personal brand to that effect, so I plan to look a certain way. I attempt to dress in line with the company code or the cultural norm. I may want to wear a plain business suit with shiny patent, black shoes. (girls and their shoes eh?) But I always like to add a focal, memorable, yet subtle item to my overall outfit. It may be the addition of a soft scarf,  or a vintage brooch, I may even wear interesting shoes – Yep, that’s as wild as I get!  I always include just a touch of added interest, perhaps an item that could be a topic for small talk during the interview. (not that I ever  It certainly marks my point of difference.

When did you last take a good look at what others may see when they look at your personal brand both online and off?

Give yourself an audit and see if there are any areas that could do with reviewing from the 8 points below.

1.Voice-mail message.

Do you have the same message as everyone else “I’m sorry I’m unable to take your call….” or do you change it regularly depending on what is happening? For instance, if you are at a conference in Toronto, you might say something like “Today I’m listening to Jordan.B.Peterson at a conference for business leaders in Toronto, so I will attend to your message in the next available break….” Do you think the caller will be impressed with your message and at you for taking the time to keep yourself up skilled? I think so. It’s also just more interesting.

Most importantly, when you’re expecting a call back from a job interview, you don’t  want your prospective employer hearing a poorly worded or poor taste message on your voice mail. YOUR VOICE and the way you speak, is an integral aspect of your communication, and helps to form your profile, your voice mail message therefore, needs to reflect the personality and perception that highlights the best in you.

2.Your email signature.

Make it easy for people to get hold of you, so think about including your telephone numbers, your address, your website url, and links to your relevant social channels such as your LinkedIn profile. Some like to include a small head and shoulders photo of themselves, which is particularly useful if/ when you meet for the first time. There’s a face to the name!

3.LinkedIn profile.

Having a link from your email signature to your LinkedIn profile means that you must have a robust profile on show. At the very least, have an up to date photo, a descriptive professional headline, and a great summary of what you do and why someone should use you. Not having a profile up, or only having a half-baked one, will make you look unprofessional, unfinished or like someone who is not adept with technology.

4.Email content

Is your spell check turned on? Sending out an email with spelling mistakes, letters the wrong way round, along with  bad grammar could make you look less intelligent. Always read your email through slowly, and thoroughly before sending it to double check everything is in order. I always add the email address right at the very end so I don’t accidentally send it before I’ve checked it.

5.Email address

myfamily@gmail.com or mail@yourhugelongpersonalname.com all give the impression of a micro business when in fact you are probably not. Use your company domain name email address even if you don’t have a website behind it and make generic email address more personal. Instead of mail or info@ try hello@ or team@. Better yet, use an actual person’s name.

6.Business card.

Does it feel like good quality fabric or cheap and papery? It’s part of your first impression so be confident when you hand them out. Print your name, title, contact details, social media links and anything else you wish to include. Don’t be afraid to use both sides, it’s prime brand real-estate so use it but keep it professional.

7.Your outward appearance

“Always dress just a little bit better” is great advice for any situation. If you are interviewing at a tech company and you know they will all be wearing jeans and T-shirts, then going in a suit and tie might not do you any favours. Instead, dress just a little bit better and wear a great shirt with your crisp jeans and polished footwear. Wear the best footwear you can afford and polish them regularly, people do notice.

8.Car Signage 

Once you drive a sign written vehicle, you have to behave differently if you want to protect your brand. Not only do you need to keep your vehicle clean, but road rage when someone “cuts into you” is a big NO NO.


In summary , there are many more areas that form your personal brand such as the way you interact with others, how you perform at work with your bosses and colleagues and what you share publicly on Facebook, they all add up to formulating “you” and your image. The trick is to remain authentic and whilst being yourself, decide how you want to be seen, how you want to be perceived; what you want to be known for and remembered for,  and plan to move your personal brand in that general direction.  It’s a gathering of all your personal data and information to form a united and uniform impression to the outside world. You will want to align your values so that the combined image you project is the image that others interpret accurately about you. It leaves no room to question your integrity or your intent.

“There are some games you don’t get to play unless you are all in.”
Jordan B. Peterson

 Who would you say has a great personal brand? What do you do to work on your personal brand? Do you think it even matters?

as long as you’re thinking about it..that’s the first step

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Ivana Agapiou Career and outplacement Advisor